Note: Reckonings is produced to be heard, not read. The audio includes emotion and emphasis unavailable on the written page. Transcripts may contain errors, and corresponding audio should be checked before quoting in print.
So people have asked me why most of the political shifts on Reckonings / go from right to left
And I have an answer to that question
But before we get into that:
Hi everybody
It’s about that time / that we go BEHIND THE MIC
Behind the mic is a series of short pieces I produce every so often
To bring you behind the microphone and reveal a little bit of what’s going on back here
One thing that’s going on back here is: a new creative adventure
You see, Reckonings is rich and deep and there is an EVER-GROWING repertoire of stories to tell
*AND* it take time to produce and can’t quiiiite keep up with current events as they unfold
Meanwhile+there are themes and patterns that emerge across episodes / and that I COULD share with you on the regular / IF there were a LEAN way to do it
So when you put all of that together, what do you get?
a series of visual memes that APPLY themes from Reckonings TO current events in a way that’s fresh and hopeful and (if I do my job right ☺) helps an ideological diversity of us imagine new ways forward
For those of you who don't know what a meme is:
It is considered the cultural equivalent to a GENE
So it can be an image, a quote, a gif, a video – any kind of cultural articafct – that is copied and remixed and SPREADS throuhgout our culture
So for example: do you remember the ‘this is your brain on drugs’ PSA from the 80’s, where your brain on drugs was an EGG in a FRYING PAN?
Well+infinite lunchbox launchd the week Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress, so there was a whole series of memes with the headline: ‘this is your face on Facebook’
What did that look like? Wellll you’ll just have to take a look
at: instagram.com/infinitelunchbox
Even if you’re not on instagram you can still check it out, again that’s instagram.com/infinitelunchbox
So back to the initial question about Reckonings:
am I mostly interested in shifts from right to left?
The truth is: I’m NOT mostly interested in shifts from right to left+or left to right
The kinds of change I’m interested in aren’t from one dogmatic position to another dogmatic position
But from dogma to uncertainty and humility and ideological LIBERTY
From my-way-is-the-only-way / to / wow: there are lots of ways!
And some of them are more helpful than others
So the question isn’t: which way is the RIGHT way?
But: under which circumstances (if any) are which ways most helpful?
This is what philosopher Ken Wilber calls a leap into integral thinking
A leap from being fearfully ATTACHED to my views / to feeling FREE to REFLECT ON them and BE CRITICAL of them and consciously CHANGE them to adapt to the reality around me
Our friend Jerry Taylor from episode 17 / backs us up here:
when we find ourselves using our engines of motivated cognition to stay within the tribe
and to constantly police ourselves against the possibility of being tempted by heretical thoughts and uncomfortable observations about reality
what we're really doing is arming our inner policeman to keep watch on this penitentiary that we've voluntarily locked ourselves in
it is tremendously liberating to not be in a penitentiary anymore
to not be in an ideological penitentiary or a tribal penitentiary
and i fear that too many people - not just in climate skepticism and not just on right – but on the left as well
because they are captured by these dogmatic and ideological loyalties
that they are in a sense locking themselves in a rather exhausting jail cell
and they would be far better to let these things go and think with open minds
So: what I’m interested in is not just a change in views, but a change in the way we RELATE to our views
A meta-change, if you will
Or what I’d call: a reckoning ☺
All of that said, I WOULD LOVE to bring you more stories of people who COME FROM the left
Like a hardcore vegan who became a hunter
How does someone go from being against killing animals under ANY circumstances / to sometimes doing the killing THEMSELVES?
Speaking of stories I’d love to bring you, there are so many!
I’d love to bring you the story of a defector from North Korea
I’d love to bring you the story of a perpetrator and a victim of sexual assault WHO WERE ABLE TO WORK THROUGH IT / TOGETHER
And the person in the whole wide world whose story I’d MOST love to bring you, alive or dead, is ALIVE. And looks like I may have a connection. But I’m gonna keep that one / a surprise ☺
And you know what would help me bring you these stories?
Out there somewhere, looking for Reckonings, are about 100,000 dollars. Maybe you can help those dollars find their way?
Because 100,000 might sound like a lot but that’s what it takes to build a team with people who can edit and score and get Reckonings OUT THERE so we can bring you more stories more often and reach more people and generally FLYYYYYY
WE ARE in a moment of reckoning
We’re reckoning with social media
We’re reckoning with sexual abuse of power
This moment is RIPE and let’s grow from it
For those of you who are already donating: THANK YOU
For those of you who’d like to: www.reckonings.show/love
Aaaand in the spirit of seizing this moment sooner rather than later
Do you have ideas of potential donors or investors I should talk to?
Or might you YOURSELF be interested in making a SIZEABLE contribution?
at [email protected]
I’m Stephanie Lepp
[FAST] And this is Reckonings
Note: Reckonings is produced to be heard, not read. The audio includes emotion and emphasis unavailable on the written page. Transcripts may contain errors, and corresponding audio should be checked before quoting in print.
So people have asked me why most of the political shifts on Reckonings / go from right to left
And I have an answer to that question
But before we get into that:
Hi everybody
It’s about that time / that we go BEHIND THE MIC
Behind the mic is a series of short pieces I produce every so often
To bring you behind the microphone and reveal a little bit of what’s going on back here
One thing that’s going on back here is: a new creative adventure
You see, Reckonings is rich and deep and there is an EVER-GROWING repertoire of stories to tell
*AND* it take time to produce and can’t quiiiite keep up with current events as they unfold
Meanwhile+there are themes and patterns that emerge across episodes / and that I COULD share with you on the regular / IF there were a LEAN way to do it
So when you put all of that together, what do you get?
a series of visual memes that APPLY themes from Reckonings TO current events in a way that’s fresh and hopeful and (if I do my job right ☺) helps an ideological diversity of us imagine new ways forward
For those of you who don't know what a meme is:
It is considered the cultural equivalent to a GENE
So it can be an image, a quote, a gif, a video – any kind of cultural articafct – that is copied and remixed and SPREADS throuhgout our culture
So for example: do you remember the ‘this is your brain on drugs’ PSA from the 80’s, where your brain on drugs was an EGG in a FRYING PAN?
Well+infinite lunchbox launchd the week Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress, so there was a whole series of memes with the headline: ‘this is your face on Facebook’
What did that look like? Wellll you’ll just have to take a look
at: instagram.com/infinitelunchbox
Even if you’re not on instagram you can still check it out, again that’s instagram.com/infinitelunchbox
So back to the initial question about Reckonings:
am I mostly interested in shifts from right to left?
The truth is: I’m NOT mostly interested in shifts from right to left+or left to right
The kinds of change I’m interested in aren’t from one dogmatic position to another dogmatic position
But from dogma to uncertainty and humility and ideological LIBERTY
From my-way-is-the-only-way / to / wow: there are lots of ways!
And some of them are more helpful than others
So the question isn’t: which way is the RIGHT way?
But: under which circumstances (if any) are which ways most helpful?
This is what philosopher Ken Wilber calls a leap into integral thinking
A leap from being fearfully ATTACHED to my views / to feeling FREE to REFLECT ON them and BE CRITICAL of them and consciously CHANGE them to adapt to the reality around me
Our friend Jerry Taylor from episode 17 / backs us up here:
when we find ourselves using our engines of motivated cognition to stay within the tribe
and to constantly police ourselves against the possibility of being tempted by heretical thoughts and uncomfortable observations about reality
what we're really doing is arming our inner policeman to keep watch on this penitentiary that we've voluntarily locked ourselves in
it is tremendously liberating to not be in a penitentiary anymore
to not be in an ideological penitentiary or a tribal penitentiary
and i fear that too many people - not just in climate skepticism and not just on right – but on the left as well
because they are captured by these dogmatic and ideological loyalties
that they are in a sense locking themselves in a rather exhausting jail cell
and they would be far better to let these things go and think with open minds
So: what I’m interested in is not just a change in views, but a change in the way we RELATE to our views
A meta-change, if you will
Or what I’d call: a reckoning ☺
All of that said, I WOULD LOVE to bring you more stories of people who COME FROM the left
Like a hardcore vegan who became a hunter
How does someone go from being against killing animals under ANY circumstances / to sometimes doing the killing THEMSELVES?
Speaking of stories I’d love to bring you, there are so many!
I’d love to bring you the story of a defector from North Korea
I’d love to bring you the story of a perpetrator and a victim of sexual assault WHO WERE ABLE TO WORK THROUGH IT / TOGETHER
And the person in the whole wide world whose story I’d MOST love to bring you, alive or dead, is ALIVE. And looks like I may have a connection. But I’m gonna keep that one / a surprise ☺
And you know what would help me bring you these stories?
Out there somewhere, looking for Reckonings, are about 100,000 dollars. Maybe you can help those dollars find their way?
Because 100,000 might sound like a lot but that’s what it takes to build a team with people who can edit and score and get Reckonings OUT THERE so we can bring you more stories more often and reach more people and generally FLYYYYYY
WE ARE in a moment of reckoning
We’re reckoning with social media
We’re reckoning with sexual abuse of power
This moment is RIPE and let’s grow from it
For those of you who are already donating: THANK YOU
For those of you who’d like to: www.reckonings.show/love
Aaaand in the spirit of seizing this moment sooner rather than later
Do you have ideas of potential donors or investors I should talk to?
Or might you YOURSELF be interested in making a SIZEABLE contribution?
at [email protected]
I’m Stephanie Lepp
[FAST] And this is Reckonings